Ah, May 21st. One month to the longest day of the year!! Hard to imagine -- time just seems to fly by!
Hello, Annular Eclipse. Yes, I'm in UT, although the Northern part. And no, I didn't drive 4 hours to Southern UT to get the best view of the eclipse. I guess I'm just not that dedicated. The pictures on the internet did it justice. (Although, if my DH had "suggested" the drive, I probably would have gone!)
Hello, Vacation! It's hard to believe that over the next two weekends, two dear, dear ones to me and my husband will be graduating from high school. (Since we were unable to have children of our own, we live vicariously through our friends and relatives!)
- First, Hello, Bailee. We've known Bailee since she was about 18 months old. Mike went to college with her dad. And her mom and I have been BFFs for, like, ever. (Well, ever since about 1995.) And we're godparents to her younger brother. She'll be going to college in the fall majoring in nursing. She is sweet and funny, and we are so proud of her! Isn't she gorgeous?
- Second, Hello, David. Our nephew. This one, we've known since before he was born. We officially met when we drove down and helped out my sister right after his birth. And, oh, did I fall in love!! Such a sweet, cuddly, happy baby! (I'd post pictures, but I don't want to embarrass him!) We lost his mom two years ago, and while I know it's been difficult for him, he has become such a wonderful young man. Handsome, responsible, funny, kind, and compassionate. I know my sister is proud of the young man he's become, and so are we!! See the breast cancer pin he's wearing? That's in honor of his mom. When I asked Debbie (the photographer) who's idea that was, she said it was his. That he wanted to honor his mom in the pictures, and that he feels that she is with him. Sniff. (Side note -- he looks so much like her in this photo!) Can't wait to get to spend 5 days with him and his dad! Here is his senior photo, courtesy of Romeyn Photography.
Hello, "31 Things". with Ali Edwards. Check out the link (click on "31 Things") to read all about the class. I'm having fun journaling along with her, telling 31 stories about my life. Can't wait to put my album together when I'm through. (I know, just what I needed. Another online class. It's an addiction, I tell you!)
Hello, Laundry. Didn't I mention this last Monday? Funny thing, there's more. And since we're leaving on a jet plane, it kinda has to get done. Soon. Maybe I should try to invent self-cleaning clothes. And self-ironing. And self-folding. Yeah. I'm right on top of that, Rose. (Name that movie!!)
Hello, Rain. We had a lovely few days of cooler weather towards the end of last week, with wonderful, drenching rain. My flowers on my back porch, and the roses in my garden out front, LOVED it. Me, it's a love/hate relationship. I love the rain, but not so much the mud that the girls drag in. 'Cause, you know, digging in the mud with all four paws is FUN, Mom!
Hello, HIDA scan. Yes, unfortunately it would appear that I might have gallstones. Meh. SO, off I go in the morning for this lovely "nuclear medicine test." Doesn't that just sound pleasant?? As if gallstones aren't bad enough.
What are you saying hello to this week??
Hello Monday is a Lisa Leonard inspired practice.
Hello Monday header is courtesy of Katrina Simeck.