Hello May 14. As in, yay, we're done with Mother's Day. I know. I'm a bad person, but I really hate Mother's Day -- especially now that my mom and MIL are both gone. But for me, whose goal in life was to be a mom, after struggling with 10+ years of infertility and treatments, and just this past year having my tubes tied and an ablation done so there is no more possibility of being said mom, it's a day I can well do without. (If that was an over-share, I apologize.)
Hello, yummy, tasty Mango Salad. Made for dinner last night with items from our bountiful basket. Seriously, a new fave.
Hello, healing puppy. Our Sadie-bug, (75 lb. lab/shepherd mix) has been suffering from skin allergies the past couple of weeks, and then on Thursday, had a cyst on her back that ruptured. Therefore, hello trip to the vet to have it lanced and cleaned. Looks much better after a weekend of meds and ointment -- but she looks funny with the big shaved spot on her back! (Shh, don't tell her I said that!)
Hello, beautiful rosebuds! My rosebushes are being slow to bloom this spring, but are FULL of buds getting ready to bloom! I just hope we get to see some of them before we leave for graduations!
Hello, sweet great-niece! You are growing so fast -- I wish you lived closer so I could just squish those sweet cheeks and hug that sweet little body! (And, yes, the sand is blue. Apparently, Crayola makes colored sand. Who knew??)
Hello, frozen coffee. (Frozen mocha, if we're being technical, with peppermint and and extra shot of espresso.) Lovely little local place. AWESOME coffee. Although my hubbs would disagree that this actually qualifies as coffee. But with 80* weather this week, I'm thinking frozen sounds pretty dang good.
Hello, recumbent bike. Hoping to get my grove on and build strength in my legs and back in preparation for our summer trip to AK this year. Of course, this means cleaning out our downstairs to make room for the bike . . . trust me. You don't want to see those photos. I don't need any of you reporting me to Hoarders.
What are you saying hello to this week?
Hello Monday is a Lisa Leonard inspired practice.
Hello Monday header is courtesy of Katrina Simeck.
Hello, frozen coffee. (Frozen mocha, if we're being technical, with peppermint and and extra shot of espresso.) Lovely little local place. AWESOME coffee. Although my hubbs would disagree that this actually qualifies as coffee. But with 80* weather this week, I'm thinking frozen sounds pretty dang good.
Hello, recumbent bike. Hoping to get my grove on and build strength in my legs and back in preparation for our summer trip to AK this year. Of course, this means cleaning out our downstairs to make room for the bike . . . trust me. You don't want to see those photos. I don't need any of you reporting me to Hoarders.
What are you saying hello to this week?
Hello Monday is a Lisa Leonard inspired practice.
Hello Monday header is courtesy of Katrina Simeck.
Until next time,

Papa would love the Mango Salad, he's a huge fan...please share! Wishing you luck in all your goals and it's okay to share your feelings. If my two favorite Mom's were in heaven, I would feel the same way. As for Motherhood, I still don't understand why caring, compassionate people are childless while others who don't really care whether they are ever a Mommy or not are blessed with children. I shouldn't questions God's plan, but it does make me wonder.